Increase The Security Of Your Home Network With These Password Tips

Posted on: 27 October 2016

When you use a wireless connection for your Internet at home, it's important to do all that you can to prevent neighbors or others from logging onto your system and draining your bandwidth. One of the most important things that you can do is to ensure that your home network is always protected with a password. However, conventional passwords that are easy to guess, such as "1234" and "password1" simply won't cut it. Here are some simple ways that you can improve the security of your home network by your approach to its password.

Don't Use Something Related To You

It might be tempting to use your name, street name, or something else related to you as your password, but these can be easy to guess. It's better to think of something that couldn't possibly be linked to you; one idea is to open the dictionary to a random page and select the most obscure word on that page. It's also smart to incorporate capital letters, numbers, and symbols into your password. If you select "battery" out of the dictionary, for example, add numbers and symbols in a creative way. For example, make your password "$bAtt10ery" or something similar. You should also never write the password down. Even if your password can be a little challenging to remember, it's best to work to commit it to memory.

Don't Use The Password For Anything Else

The average person has passwords for a long list of things, such as his or her email account, online banking, various retail websites, and more. It might be tempting to use one password for each of these accounts, but doing so can make you at risk of being hacked. When you select the password for your home Internet network, it's best to avoid using the same password for anything else; and, ideally, each of your passwords should be only used for one account.

Change The Password Regularly

It's never a good idea to keep the same password on your home network for an extended period of time. To further improve the security of the connection, plan to change the password regularly. There's no set interval at which you should make this change, but it never hurts to change the password every month or two. To avoid forgetting this important task, simply write a reminder on your calendar or create a pop-up alert in your smartphone to remind you.

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