Reduce Food Waste At The Restaurant That You Own

Posted on: 13 April 2017

If you are the owner of a small restaurant and are running on a tight budget which won't allow for food waste, the following tips will assist with preserving the freshness of products in your establishment, organizing the contents in your refrigerator and freezer, and utilizing or disposing of leftovers. As a result, your business will operate in a more efficient manner, and you will get the most bang for your buck after purchasing food items from vendors.

Install A Temperature Monitoring Device

A temperature monitoring device will provide you with real-time updates concerning the temperature inside of the refrigerator and freezer. A wireless sensor needs to be placed inside of each appliance.

Sensors are battery-operated and will record temperatures 24 hours per day. Information will be sent to a receiver before being transferred to your web-enabled device. As a result, you will be provided with peace of mind, knowing that your refrigerator and freezer are operating properly. If the temperature inside one of the appliances rises, that could be detrimental to the food that is stored, so you need to be able to act quickly and prevent food items from spoiling.

Label And Rotate Stored Items

When shipments of fresh food arrive at your business, break items down into smaller-sized portions and place them inside of durable plastic containers that have lids. Create a labeling system  by writing on self-adhesive labels and including information that specifies the type of food inside of each container and the date that each one will remain fresh until. After affixing the labels, place the freshest items towards the back of the refrigerator and freezer and the oldest ones near the front so that they are used before their expiration dates.

Inspect Leftovers And Use Them Accordingly 

If several platters of food remain at the end of each day, inspect them and decide if they can be utilized the following day. For example, if large portions of meat or vegetables are remaining, you can cut the items up and create a casserole or stew with them for a daily special. Cakes or pie slices can be offered at a discounted rate if they are not fresh, but still safe to consume.

If vegetables and fruit remain that are slightly wilted or do not have an appetizing appearance, donate them to local farmers or a community food bank so that they can be put to good use. Any items that are inedible should be disposed of inside of an airtight container.
